Berlin‘s very own Cherno Jobatey is a multi-talent on almost every stage imaginable around the world — as a moderator, emcee, host, rapping, rock ‘n’ rolling, dancing and talking politics!

Cherno Jobatey is media personality based not only on packaging, but more importantly on content: news competency, show qualities, an unflappable interview style and irrepressible good humor.
He’s known for lightning every stage, starting a fire, no matter how small the venue no matter how big. No matter how young the crowd or how old.

His motto: Create a great wave so others are able to surf it comfortably. He is equally at ease sharing the spotlight with Bill Gates, Jennifer Lopez, Will Smith as he is with Barack Obama, Chancellor Scholz or EU Commissioner Margrethe Vestager. He has been on stages around the world from Kobe to California.

If more entertainment – a classical late night Emcee setup – is requested. Cherno Jobatey is happy to show up with his Band Groove Gangster GmbH, backing his one liners and stories with solid grooves and fluffy surfaces of harmonies.

He appears not only on TV but on many stages, at events, political rallies and conferences, as a gala moderator, entertainer, talk show host and master of ceremonies. He did the first show on facebook: #facebook BerlinTalk with US Secretary of State John Kerry.
During covid lockdown Cherno Jobatey did not stop, he hosted events in front of 5000 live from his study.

Jobatey’s topics range from straight politics, business, high teck, media communication, entertainment and sports. Of course always in his “smoking sneaker style”. Especially when a show is about soccer.

Cherno Jobatey became a mainstay on the ZDF morning news show and a trademark for the network. He hosted the German version of Candid Camera “Verstehen Sie Spass?” for five years. In the German Capital Berlin, he added his own brand: “Cherno.The RBB Talkshow”, conducting clever, deep and revealing interviews during prime time, winning 24% market share in the hugely competitive 8:15 pm slot.

Praise of Cherno Jobatey’s work:
“Charming Cherno” Bunte Germany’s People Magazine
“He rocked the stage, adding a touch of happening to the serious business conference” Meedia
“Cherno Jobatey combines his extensive knowledge with pure entertainment. And he does it with astonishing ease” BILD Europe’s biggest Newspaper
“His winning smile is part of the show” Express
“It was an absolute pleasure to have you as the moderator of the launch and elevating this global celebration with your positive energy!” Emma Hietaniemi United Nations
“Cherno Jobatey is someone who works hard for his success”. MorningPost Berlin
„Television viewers liked the journalist and show host above all because of his friendly and almost always good-humored manner,“ news.de
“With a market share of over 20%, Jobatey’s personality show outperformed other talk shows and is „the street sweeper.“ (MAZ)
“TV’s darling!” BILD
“The so uncomplicatedly nice good-humored Berliner and sneaker dude” AZ Munich
„Cherno Jobatey perfectly captures the ironic, relaxed chatty tone. … Jobatey – in a good mood and wearing white trainers as always – was able to follow up with penetrating questions“, Märkische Allgemeine.
“Champions lose their shyness, open up showing their happy side”. BILD
“Hi Cherno, you created a great feeling on stage. Well done! Prof. Astrid Linder Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute via LinkedIn
”Very good, informed and lively moderation of a good panel. It was a good evening” B. Buschhausen Head of Public Affairs Instinctif Partners via LinkedIn
“Thanks for the talk!“ German pop star Balbina via Instagram
“While many moderators just take an intellectual approach, Cherno Jobatey displays a refreshingly honest curiosity” tv critic at MAZ
“Lively debate, very well animated by Cherno Jobatey” M. Wegele Director Regulatory Affairs IBM via LinkedIn