David vs. Goliath: a more or less unknown person, a hero of a (digital) niche, debates with a well-known politician. That is the principle of Cherno Jobatey’s UdLDigital Talkshow, Germany’s most successful political online talk show.
Spreading the political debate to other, less politically interested circles, with the help of new media!
There are many, especially younger people who claim to dislike politics and not to watch politics (on TV), but habitually consume plenty of TV snippets online. Nor are they averse to discussion per se, often debating issues of our brave new digital world, such as network neutrality, copyright or data protection. And those are highly political issues. The UdLDigital Talkshow addresses this very group which has political affinities, but avoids the traditional forms of public debate.
Cherno Jobatey’s UdLDigital Talk Show has welcomed so far heads of political parties, members of government and major protagonists of the political opposition.