Speaker Cherno Jobatey

Whether the venue is a major arena or a small stage, to Cherno Jobatey delivering speeches is completely different from television with its millions of viewers. Alone – with minimal technical aids – facing an audience of 5000 or 10 at a dinner speech

If you don’t speak to your audience via a screen on which one can swipe or change by remote, on stage you notice immediately when energies are diverted elsewhere. Therefore, performance is key! It was first noticed in pop music: those who have mastered their art live on stage are in demand (and make a living).

Performance is key

“Charming Cherno`s” (Bunte) keynotes, speeches and presentations are frequently about communication, politics, business, or motivation. No matter how serious the topic, storytelling fun and interaction with the crowd is a must.

Commenting on his high-in-demand-keynote Digital Power! The New Economy of Attention , a reporter wrote: “In his usual, cool and casual style, Cherno Jobatey spoke about online communication. … During his lecture in front of 500, he described the disrupting Obama phenomenon in highly comical terms, getting many laughs” (HAZ).
Cherno Jobatey is “somebody who works hard for his success”. (Berliner Morgenpost)

Comments from participants:

„Very captivating keynote, thank you very much!” Management Circle via LinkedIn
“Thanks for your inspiring thoughts on communications and AI” M. Euler via LinkedIn
“Respect for the best keynote of this year’s CCW-Convention” A. Jünger Chief Editor CallCenterProfi via LinkedIn
“Fantastic Cherno Jobatey” N. Muntean via LinkedIn
“Cool keynote” M. Götz via LinkedIn
”It actually made fun” Dr. C. Runge via LinkedIn