Executive Coach Cherno Jobatey

The World is changing! How do you, your team, your company deal with it?

Demands on managers have always been enormous. But due to the many constant changes these days – at an unprecedented speed – all the challenges of everyday business life seem to have increased, have potentiated.
Digitalization has already been a big task. And now: AI is here to stay. Marketing is changing. Your employees no longer want to come into the office. And how you communicate doesn’t get through like it used to. The multiple crises around the world are making it clear how much politics affects business. Supply chains, for example, are suddenly pushing big politics right onto your doorstep.

How should decisions be made? Which signals are sent out? What signals am I sending out?

Supporting managers, high potentials and teams on their journey.

Similar to the world of high performing sports stars it has become normal to have a coach on the sidelines, except he doesn’t yell,

Executive coach Cherno Jobatey helps to uncover your blind spots as a leader and unlock your full potential, to master management situations and tackle challenges in a solution-oriented manner.

A support to successfully navigate the dynamic and complex work context is offered, to make well-founded and courageous decisions.

”When media changes, society changes“

These words of German Philosopher Walter Benjamin sound very simple but are actually very complex. As is so often the case in evolutionary history, new technologies are followed by new cultural techniques. These, in turn, often change a great deal very quietly and inconspicuously! So business, leadership and behavior have to adapt.

Cherno Jobatey worked with CEOs, managers and teams in DAX 40 companies, the famous “Mittelstand” and start-ups as well.