Turning Transformation into Experience

We all know these corporate gatherings and workshops. Fly in and fly out! In between, lots of mail checking, water cooler talks and… Well, you just know that culture is eating any new strategy for breakfast. You’ve seen it many times.


What if…  there’s corporate development that feels different?

What if…  there’s conversation you do not want to miss?

What if…  there’s a corporate event spreading the new that feels almost like fun…?

What if…  there’s something that feels like old Greece, kind of Socrates hanging out telling stories that are valid for a long time?

Could we regain that special feeling when work was not just work but also something else?

Well maybe there is! And it’s definitely not more of the same and definitely not your daddy’s corporate culture.

Of course the ”pumpernickel“ of corporate development will be included:

  • Defining visions, goals, and strategies. Establishing commitment, deriving actionable steps.
  • Initiating and implementing changes. Getting off the ground what is needed to create a solid foundation for sustainable success.
  • Analyzing corporate culture and values. Reflecting on the “lived” culture. Does it support the company’s strategy? Acting as an enabler to make a future-proof culture possible.
  • Determining the purpose, the “why” of the company. Clarifying the big picture so rowing in the same direction might be a bliss.
  • Driving innovation, implementing ideas, using tools of design thinking and agile project management and business model canvas.
  • Translating New Work meaningfully for your organization. Rethinking collaboration and leadership, enabling empowerment and creativity.


But who says that work on these important issues has to be boring? The road to the NEW should not be paved with yawns, groans, and complaints! To be efficient, the new must strut along casually. Hard in content but different in style.

Getting your company through transformation is hard work! But what if the transition can be sweaty work, hard soul searching, and still be exciting, and funny and entertaining at the same time?

Cherno Jobatey is here to support new strategies, corporate and business development, and all the challenges we have to face in these times of digitization.

He is working with newest insights of academic business research, HR-tools, psychology, media impact research as well as ancient tools like rhetoric or storytelling.